REST Massage Therapy

About The Practitioner

Hi massage explorer, 

My name is Zang Xiong. And here are some things about me, your massage therapist. I am the youngest of 12 children. I grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I graduated from the Aveda Institute Massage class of spring 2017. Also, I have a bachelor of arts in psychology and a bachelor of arts in reconciliation. 

Why massage therapy?

Well, I want to combine massage therapy with trauma therapy. I have worked with individuals who have suffered from physical and emotional trauma. While working towards recovery, using mental health care and physical therapy, I want to provide massage therapy as a tool for them to use to support healing and recovery. 

Why I do what I do?

I believe that we all need physical and mental healing. Taking care of your physical health is taking care of your mental health and vice versa. And I believe, massage a great way to do both.